We are the cheapest Bulk SmS provider in Kenya. Send messages directly from excel sheet using our free Bulk sms software to all networks
BestBulksms offers various services to various organizations such as Bulksmschapchap for colleges, high schools, chamas, Saccos, churches, and banks.
Service Providers
Best BulkSMS service provides the ability to send a large amount of texts at a time, and at affordable rates. Its high certification is advantageous to businesses which use them for marketing as well as brand awareness
Fast work turnaround
The service sends prompt text alerts to the bulk SMS provider through delivery reports to various customers. In the process, it follows a safe channel, uses a high speed in delivery, while creating the most reliable benefits for its customers.
Compatibility with software
Our Bulksms software has the ability to integrate with any software, whether biometric or the sale system. In addition to the system having a 100% delivery system, one can correspond their company website with our free sms to send texts from the website. This can also occur from various platforms such as sacco systems’ communication with clients, schools to parents and students, as well as office systems to employees
When do you need bulk sms?
When a company requires to make an announcement to the nation’s population, or launch a new product, sending bulk SMS is an effective way to reach their goal. Other areas that bulk SMS is used are in reminding people of a particular meeting such as a political rally, a church or community function, as well as the purchase of a particular product. Bulk SMS also allows customers to manage their diaries as well as store information and activities.
We are driven by values
The success of best bulk sms has been made possible as a result of the shared values within the organization. We value transparency, honesty and efficiency.
Featured Work
“Communication works for those who work at it.”
John Powell
“Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value”
Philip Kotler
BestsmsKenya is the cheapest bulksms service and most convenient way to deliver information to a mass audience in Kenya
Let’s Help You Reach Out to Your Audience
Giving customers thorough satisfaction, where after one’s first experience, they do not vacillate to be part of the Bestsms Family